Berlin Stories

Drama, Germany 2005

A movie about Berlin, based on a stage play by Réne Pollesch. Lizzy, Marlon and Ohboy are actors and live the metropolitan presence between rehearsals, intoxication, and loss of orientation. Marlon is new to the theatre and the town. Apparently people play by completely different rules here and he struggles to understand his text, as he can't relate to it. The fact that he has to look after a little boy over the weekend doesn't help either. Lizzy longs for glamour and fame, but at the same time seeks security and love. She ends up in a nightclub where there's plenty of short-lived choice, where sex appeal is a weapon and the body is for sale. Ohboy knows the rhythm of the city, knows how to move instinctively and yet is trapped in it: its prey. He lurches through the streets with tragic-comic ease so as not to have to face the real challenges. With subtle humor and weird realism, the film tells three episodes of life and survival in the metropolis, of loneliness and friendship, success and recognition. The rehearsals for Réne Pollesch's staging of “Stadt als Beute”, that furious collection of crazy texts and outbursts full of desperation, form the common starting point for the episodes.
93 min
Starting at 12
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René Pollesch (Theaterstück)


Don Philippe

Original title:

Stadt als Beute

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 12

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