Solveig Karlsdottir, a renowned crime novelist, embarks on a journey back to her picturesque hometown—a tranquil fishing village in western Iceland—leaving behind the bustling capital of Reykjavik for the first time in years. Her primary purpose is to care for her mother, who grapples with dementia. However, upon her return, Solveig finds more than just nostalgic encounters with old friends and acquaintances; she stumbles upon a mysterious death.
Could there be a murder concealed within this seemingly accidental occurrence? Solveig's insatiable curiosity and keen intuition for discrepancies keep lead her to investigate.
Solveig Karlsdottir, a renowned crime novelist, embarks on a journey back to her picturesque hometown—a tranquil fishing village in western Iceland—leaving behind the bustling capital of Reykjavik for the first time in years. Her primary purpose is to care for her mother, who grapples with dementia. However, upon her return, Solveig finds more than just nostalgic encounters with old friends and acquaintances; she stumbles upon a mysterious death.
Could there be a murder concealed within this seemingly accidental occurrence? Solveig's insatiable curiosity and keen intuition for discrepancies keep lead her to investigate.