Season 2 | Episode 14: Ravenous Robot / Fresh Outta Luck / What Goes Up / Mad Scientists

Fix and Foxi

Adventure/Animation, Germany 2001

This time Fix and Foxi have to deal with Professor Knox's not quite perfected recycling robot. Fortunately Fix and Foxi also have an invention in stock. Uncle Fax is desperate. He accidentally broke a mirror and that means seven years bad luck. Fix and Foxi find this superstition funny and annoy Uncle Fax with all their might. Until they are standing under a ladder and suddenly are haunted by bad luck themselves. It wasn't just superstition, was it? Fix and Foxi want to go hang gliding with Lupinchen on a mountainside. But suddenly, Lupinchen accidentally goes flying alone. Fix and Foxi must get her back down safely and fast! For his birthday Lucky gets a chemistry set from his parents, which doesn't interest him very much. Pip and Pep on the other hand find the kit exciting and brew a dangerous mixture.
23 min
Starting at 6
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Antoni D‘Ocon


Susan Kim


Rolf Kauka (Comics)


Matthias Raue

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4:3 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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