Allgäu – im Land des Märchenkönigs

Nature/Environment, Germany 2013

There are sparkling palaces from ice and snow, like those found in a fairytale. The icy castles are the phenomenal work of Mother Nature but man had a hand in the magnificent stone castles of the region. The spectacular and histrionic mountains of the Bavarian Alps challenge wildlife and the people who live there and the rocky ramparts of this mountain kingdom are built of limestone and fossil rocks that tell of its origins beneath the sea. Millions of visitors from all over the world come to Bavaria every year to witness the mysticism of the landscape. Kings and Queens, tourist and locals, all are welcomed in the fantastic alpine kingdom. Early summer often comes with the threat of storms that bring floods that scour the land and threaten many creatures. But farmers risk these dangers to take their herds to the highest pastures, where they can graze on the sweetest flower-filled meadows. And later from the high-quality milk produced by their herds, the famers make highly prized cheese. Humankind lives among eagle owls, chamoix, wild cats, stoats and ravens up in these mountains.
44 min
Starting at 5
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Jan Haft


Jan Haft


Jan Haft

Original title:

Allgäu – im Land des Märchenkönigs

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 5

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