Away You Go

Everyday life/Drama, Germany 2018

Is growing up easy - and being an adult hard? Berlin girl Charlie finds it damn hard to keep the expectations of those around her and her own apart. Her boyfriend Marco wants to have a child, and her colleague Gerry speculates without being asked: "Five years together? Surely there will soon be three of you...?" But Charlie isn't at all sure: is it nice to have a child, or will she and her needs disappear in the process? Charlie's job as a teacher is very demanding and things aren't going so well with Marco at the moment. At the beginning, everything was so wonderfully easy and spontaneous. She would like to have some of the excitement of the past, when she used to go dancing until the early hours of the morning. Others find it easier: Gerry buys a caravan and wants to drift off to the Balkans, her best friend sets off to Asia with her backpack. And then Charlie's beloved, fun-loving grandma falls ill. Is this what it's like to be an adult?
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Tina Pepper

Sound Design:

Luke Euan Reed


Victoria Schulz (Charlie)

Aleksandar Radenkovic (Marco)

Daniel Zillmann (Gerry)

Angelika Waller (Grandmother Lisbeth)

Karin Hanczewski (Marco's Sister)

Amelie Kiefer (Charlie's Friend)

Claudius von Stolzmann (Doctor)

Martina Schöne-Radunski (Luca)

Ruth Bickelhaupt (Luca's Grandmother)

Original title:

Rückenwind von vorn

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16:9 HD, Color

Age Recommendation:

Starting at 12 years

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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